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Showing posts from December, 2020

Stay Safe on Social

  Social networking sites have revolutionized the way we interact with others, you don’t meet people anymore, nowadays you added them. The features of social media sites differ, but they all have one thing in common, they collect a ton of personal information. Information sharing is encouraged on social media to power the communications that these sites rely on. This is how they can show you matches, interests, and more importantly Ads, which is one of the main revenue sources of social media platforms. Essentially, your information is being sold to the highest Advertiser, in a bidding format, for the right to show you an Ad that you might find interesting. When it comes to your personal information, you the consumer is solely responsible for making sure that you only share what you are comfortable with. This about this, when you meet someone in person, would you exercise a certain amount of caution? I believe you would, after all this person is a total stranger. Yet on social, you w

Cyber Security Tips

A home network usually refers to one that is used to connect devices to the internet usually within someone’s residence, a home network is usually small and for the most part is made up of a Router, Wi-Fi, and in some cases a small switch. Many startup companies or small businesses also have what would be considered a home network architecture. These networks are usually used to connect all sorts of devices, primarily media consumption and smart things that are designed to improve our quality of life. Unfortunately, this convenience comes at the cost of security. This should not be the case, after all, we expect that the internet providers have our best interests in mind and will do what is necessary to protect us from harm. Well, that is wishful thinking, the reality is that in the same way that when you buy an appliance or computer from a store and need to replace it because it is faulty, and the store often points you to the manufacturer to deal with the return on your own; internet