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Showing posts from October, 2020

Home Network Convenience & Security Options

The preamble. The need to secure the home network is more important than ever. Enterprise networks with cloud-assisted and machine learning-enabled security features, as well as constant ongoing employee security awareness training are becoming harder to compromise. The most sophisticated hackers are those that live of the land. Ever heard the term, take what the defense gives you? It is a term commonly used in the NFL. It refers to the offense not forcing plays that have a low success rate but instead focusing on easier plays that have a higher chance of being successful. It means taking the path of least resistance. The anatomy of the home network. In network security, there is a term called defense in depth. It means that you deploy security in layers, and thus make it very difficult for someone to break in. Think of it like an onion, to get to the middle, you must peel many layers. A home network, in contrast, is commonly referred to as a flat network. This means that all devices a

Basic Home Network Hygiene — Network Segmentation

What is network segmentation?  Network segmentation is a network architecture approach that divides a network into multiple segments often referred to as subnets, each acting as its own smaller network. This allows administrators or owners to control the flow of traffic between these subnets based on policies. Organizations use segmentation to improve monitoring, boost performance, localize technical issues, and most importantly, enhance security. For a long time, segmentation has been used in enterprise and even small businesses to limit the reach of anyone device that is connected to the large network. English, please? Let’s s a y that you go to Starbucks and connect to their Wi-Fi, if you had a scanning device and started to scan the network for other devices, you shouldn’t be able to see Starbucks point on sales devices in your scan even though those devices may also be connected using Wi-Fi. A network works a lot like other methods of communication in the sense that it is based on